ADA A100

Enhance your attendance management system with ADA A100

ADA A100 transforms the remote management of work markings, allowing the adding of up to 100 users and facilitating the holiday request , permissions and expense report management.
With automated synchronization and geolocation, it optimizes administrative processes, making human resources administration more efficient.

ADA A100
What is the module ADA A100?

The add-on module ADA A100 of Time Studio ADA offers an advanced solution for growing businesses that need to coordinate external employees. This module allows you to integrate up to 100 additional users, configurable and reusable, capable of recording their presence remotely.

  • 100 additional Cloud users
  • Requests for leave and holidays
  • Expense claim reimbursements

With automatic synchronization and precise localization via OpenStreetMap, ADA A100, ensures accurate and reliable recording that significantly improves business administrative processes.
Furthermore, with this module it is possible to manage requests for holidays, permits and expense report reimbursements.

  • Precise geolocation
  • Automatic synchronization
  • Ideal for off-site employees

Profile management

The integration of the ADA A100 module brings notable benefits, including the expansion of management capabilities with the possibility of adding up to 100 new users.
This module increases operational flexibility through advanced management of user profiles in the cloud, allows accurate localization of activities using OpenStreetMap and guarantees automatic synchronization of data, thus improving the management of remote work.
These capabilities make ADA A100 a valuable addition for companies looking to update and strengthen their employee record systems remotely.

ADA A100

Why choose ADA A100?

The possibility of setting up remote recording on the cloud ADA A100 can take place both automatically and manually and is easily configurable.
Employee attendance is tracked through OpenStreetMap and automatically synchronized between the software and the cloud.
In addition, this software also allows the holiday request, permissions and the management of expense reports, enriching the functions to support the management of human resources.

ADA A100

Essential Specifications

  • Access to services
  • Includes additional 100 online user Cloud profiles to be integrated with the 30 users already licensed with the purchase of the Time Studio ADA
  • Editable and reusable profiles, linked to your users registered on
  • Automatic or manual authorization from software of markings coming from the cloud
  • Localization on OpenStreetMap from software of markings coming from the cloud
  • Automatic synchronization of job codes between software and cloud
  • Marks hosted on iAccess servers up to a maximum time of 90 days
  • Requires active internet connectivity on the PC with the software on board
  • Annual subscription service

Advanced management tools

In summary, ADA A100 allows you to add or renew additional users, integrating them to the module Time Studio ADA already active. Users can be modified and reused, and each profile is connected directly to the Time Studio server.
In addition to attendance management, this software also offers the possibility to request holidays, permissions and manage expense reports, making the system extremely versatile and adaptable to the administrative needs of each company.

ADA A100