
Time Studio® modules provide a comprehensive solution for managing your company's personnel.
Our modules are designed to meet the specific needs of your industry and company.

Time Studio® allows you to customize your workforce management system to your unique needs.
With our modules, discover how you can simplify and optimize attendance management, shift planning, holiday management, and much more.

Software for attendance management and access control

  • Time and absence planning
  • Calculation of leave and overtime
  • Accessing Time Studio via profiles
  • Additional tools for Time Studio
  • Annual Subscription

Payroll data export software

  • Export data for payroll software
  • Customizable export file
  • Automated exports
  • Free updates
  • Annual Subscription

iAccess device synchronization software

  • Continuous upload/download of data
  • Real-time update
  • Automatic synchronization
  • Business management
  • Annual subscription

Software for internal corporate communications

  • Employee clocking in Cloud
  • Uploading Documents and Payslips
  • Company-Employee Communications
  • Version with 30 users
  • Annual subscription

Contact us today to find out more about our solutions and find out how Time Studio modules® they can improve the efficiency and organization of personnel management in your company.