Time Studio Sync

Attendance synchronized in real time:
Discover Time Studio Sync

Time Studio Sync allows automatic and real-time synchronization of iAccess device clockings within the same LAN/WAN network.

Ideal for companies of all sizes, it guarantees constant data updating, reducing errors and manual operations.
This module improves attendance management, allowing HR managers to focus on strategic tasks.

Time Studio Sync
What is the Time Studio Sync module?

In business management, accurate monitoring of employee attendance is crucial for efficient and precise operations. For this reason, we at Time Studio offer you Time Studio Sync, a cutting-edge software module for automatic synchronization and in real time of Marcatempo iAccess devices within the same LAN/WAN network.

The business management and time stamp synchronization module Time Studio Sync is available with an annual license, ensuring continuous access and constant support. The license is freely renewable, allowing you to benefit in the long term from the advantageous features of this innovative solution.

This centralized approach not only facilitates more fluid and integrated attendance management, but also ensures that all information is updated and synchronized in real time between the various connected devices. Time Studio Sync eliminates the need for manual interventions in data collection:

  • reducing errors
  • increasing the accuracy of the information collected.

The ease of use of Time Studio Sync and its automated management system transform the way companies can track and analyze working hours, making this process not only more effective but also less burdensome. With Time Studio Sync, HR managers can focus on more strategic tasks, knowing that the synchronization of presence data is managed impeccably.

Precise and automated management

Time Studio Sync marks a significant advancement in attendance management, making it more precise and efficient. Thanks to its advanced technology, this module

  • business management
  • time stamp synchronization

allows you to collect employee entry and exit stamps in real time.

This ability is extremely advantageous for both small businesses and large companies with multiple production sites and active timekeeping devices. The success of Time Studio Sync derives from its ability to automatically synchronize data from iAccess terminals, interconnected via a shared LAN/WAN network, thus ensuring that all information is always up to date and easily accessible.

A reliable and simple Mediator

Time Studio Sync serves as a reliable mediator for real-time updating of key data related to employee attendance:

  • Entrances: Precisely monitor the arrival of employees inside the company premises.
  • Exits: Tracks employee exits, offering complete control over working hours.
  • User Movement: In addition to standard clock-ins, Time Studio Sync also records user movement through specific controlled areas.

Give up the problems and enjoy the advantages

Using the Time Studio Sync module offers numerous advantages to any organization that needs instant monitoring of attendance and time stamp synchronization:

  • Instant Monitoring: The ability to obtain real-time attendance information facilitates rapid response and improves resource planning
  • Application Flexibility: Time Studio Sync is versatile and adapts to different environments, from monitoring small areas to large industrial complexes
  • Advanced Automation: Using multiple iAccess terminals, Time Studio Sync automates attendance tracking , significantly simplifying the management process
  • Scheduled Cleaning: It is possible to set automatic cleaning of the markings after reaching a certain threshold or time interval, keeping the archive always tidy and efficient.< /li>

A unique module

Please note: A single module for all stations.

A single module, Time Studio Sync, will be shared between all stations registered under the same account, ensuring that they all operate in sync with the main archive.

You pay nothing for the first 90 days

To ensure that Time Studio Sync perfectly meets your needs, we offer a 90-day free trial with every account. Time Studio activated. This trial period will allow you to explore all the module's features and evaluate its adaptability to your business environment.

Start optimizing attendance management in your company today with Time Studio Sync. Take advantage of its excellent synchronization capacity and real-time monitoring to achieve a complete and accurate overview of employee activities, regardless of the size of your organization.

Optimize your reality with unparalleled management

In summary, the Time Studio Sync software module offers a cutting-edge solution for real-time synchronization of iAccess terminals within shared LAN/WAN networks. This tool, by tracking employees' clock-in and clock-out times, is ideal for both small businesses and large companies with multiple locations.

Thanks to Time Studio Sync, you can:
  • Monitor attendance instantaneously
  • Automate tracking in environments equipped with multiple terminals
  • Schedule data cleaning.

The offer of an annual license, which can be freely renewed, and a 90-day free trial, gives further flexibility in the adoption of this solution, considerably improving the company attendance management.